domingo, 12 de junho de 2016

In Recife city (Pernambuco, Brazil) there are several places where we can listen and enjoy a good live music. People meet to play music together and to recite poetry. Ideas, dreams, music and poetry are shared. Everyone can experience an atmosphere of fraternity. Many of these places are public markets. We can visit several places in one night, making a musical journey to enjoy the original Brazilian culture and the music of the region, unlike as tourist places that usually disclose a superficial and a wrong culture.

The song "Recife Amanheceu em Mim" (literal translation: "Recife dawned on me") reports some of these itineraries, that means, some of these musical dreams. The song was composed by João Araújo and Luciano Magno and sung by Valéria Moraes. Enjoy and share it!

Recife Amanheceu em Mim

Outros Contatos

Veja Links para matérias de João Araújo:

- Um itinerário crítico para o imaginário de Mafalda Veiga:
Decomposição de um cancioneiro através da imaginação da matéria
in Germina - Revista de Literatura e Arte. (link para o artigo)