sábado, 4 de junho de 2016

A little bit about the Forró: Part 1

A little bit about the Forró: it is a musical genre (originated in northeastern Brazil). In fact it consists of a collection of several different rhythms. Here I would like to introduce you to one of these rhythms, that is called Xote

In the Video below you can listen the song Verso e Canção composed by João Araújo and Adalberto Cavalcanti. The song was sung by Maciel Melo. 

Enjoy and share it!

Outros Contatos

Veja Links para matérias de João Araújo:

- Um itinerário crítico para o imaginário de Mafalda Veiga:
Decomposição de um cancioneiro através da imaginação da matéria
in Germina - Revista de Literatura e Arte. (link para o artigo)