sábado, 11 de junho de 2016

A Liga dos Blocos

Frevo-de-bloco is a music style performed by orchestra with instruments from wood and strings (usually consisting of guitars, banjos, mandolins, violins, percussion instruments, for example). There are many groups that make parade through the streets and they are called "Blocos Carnavalescos Líricos". This cultural movement emerged in the first decades of the twentieth century.

In this context we have composed the song "A Liga dos Blocos" (by João Araújo and Luciano Magno). The song was recorded with the voice of the singer André Rio. This song is a tribute to these groups, to this musical culture and to all persons that work to the maintenance of this Brazilian culture. 

A Liga dos Blocos

** enjoy and share it! **

Outros Contatos

Veja Links para matérias de João Araújo:

- Um itinerário crítico para o imaginário de Mafalda Veiga:
Decomposição de um cancioneiro através da imaginação da matéria
in Germina - Revista de Literatura e Arte. (link para o artigo)