sábado, 4 de junho de 2016

A return journey from the Europa to the Brazil

In the text of the song Carta para Romero Amorim I have imagined and related my return journey from the Europa to the brazilian coast on a barge across the Atlantic Ocean. 

The song was a tribute to the friend and poet Romero Amorim and I have made references to some titles of his songs and poems. The voice on the recording is from the singer Dalva Torres.

Enjoy and share it!

Outros Contatos

Veja Links para matérias de João Araújo:

- Um itinerário crítico para o imaginário de Mafalda Veiga:
Decomposição de um cancioneiro através da imaginação da matéria
in Germina - Revista de Literatura e Arte. (link para o artigo)